
This is an example how a website protected by Akamai version 1.75 can be accessed and scraped by generating the necessary cookies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an example how a website protected by Akamai version 1.75 can be accessed and scraped by generating the necessary sensordata and retrieve cookies.
This is a POC, and I release it only now, because version 1.75 is outdated and most sites have switched to >2.

source.js is the akamai source code extracted from a website
deobfuscated.js is the deobfuscated source code
final.js srapes nh-hotels.com by generating sensordata and a cookie
compareTool lets you the different values of the sensordata

This will be helpful to anyone looking to analyze future akamai versions. :)
Version 2 is very simliar to 1.75, the obfuscation is different and the sensordata now gets encrypted, but the data remains almost the same.
This will help you: https://github.com/SteakEnthusiast/Akamai-2.0-Sensor-Data-Decryption-Tool