Role Name

My Ansible role for installing some Nerd Fonts in Ubuntu and Fedora.

DISCLAIMER: this role is built to fit my needs and configurations, and it is not meant to be reusable.

Role Variables

See default/main.yml, e.g.,

xz_package: xz
  - JetBrainsMono
  - Meslo
  - FiraMono
  - Hack

Example Playbook

    - name: Install Nerd Fonts
        name: lorenzobettini.my_nerd_fonts_role

To run the playbook on this system:

ansible-playbook tests/test.yml -i tests/inventory -K



Fonts Information

The LG in Meslo LG stands for Line Gap. The idea behind it is to allow the user to have some control over vertical spacing by choosing one of three line gap variants: small, medium and large (Meslo LG S, Meslo LG M, and Meslo LG L respectively). There is also a DZ version of each of these fonts (Meslo LG S DZ, Meslo LG M DZ, and Meslo LG L DZ), which replaces the slash version of the zero character with one with a center dot.