
A web music player

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

SongX 2.4.0

  • Authors: Lorenzo Bonanni
  • data init: 19/10/2018
  • Dev. Language: Js, Html, CSS
  • Framework used: Argon Design System, NodeJs, BLK• Design System, Howlerjs.

To run the project

  1. add music directory in /public and put some songs
  2. with command line navigate to the project dir
  3. install required libraries using npm:
    npm install
  4. install browser sync ad nodemon:
    npm install -g browser-sync nodemon
  5. run the dev script from command line:
    npm run dev

Updates Counter

- First commit: of the project design.
- Second commit: added about.html page and added new graphics tools. (v.2.1.2, 19/10/2018)
- Third commit: changed graphic framework, added root
- Fourth commit: minor estetic and functional changes
- Fifth commit: implemented song streaming
- Sixth commit: modified README, fixed pause and song resume
- Seventh commit: modified about section
- Eighth commit: modified main page layout
- Ninth commit: fixed next song and previous song
- Tenth commit: added keyboard shortcut
- Eleventh commit: keyboard shortcuts, song upload, implemented end time and current of the song, progress bar


-- 25/10/2018 --
- Added css and html design of the web music player
- Added the scripts of the player (without music folder)
- TODO: Need to fix scripts and complete it.

-- 6/11/2018 --
- Changed design framework(now Argon Design System)
- Added get music root that return songs from server
- TODO: implement song play
- TODO: implement dark mode

-- 6/11/2018 --
- Added Login button in navbar
- Modified how pause/play buttons works
- Added all buttons dom and event listener
- TODO: fix info bar
- TODO: fix song play
- TODO: implement dark mode
- TODO: implement login and registration
- TODO: implement song upload

-- 10/11/2018 --
- Removed get song root
- Removed song root
- Implemented song streaming
- Added socket.io-stream
- Minor changes to MusicPlayer class
- Fixed song play
- TODO: fix info bar
- TODO: implement dark mode
- TODO: implement login and registration
- TODO: implement song upload
- TODO: implement keyboard shortcuts
- TODO: fix pause and song resume
- TODO: fix next song and previous song

-- 10/11/2018 --
- fixed pause and song resume
- added modify src to howlerjs
- modified README
- TODO: fix info bar
- TODO: implement dark mode
- TODO: implement login and registration
- TODO: implement song upload
- TODO: implement keyboard shortcuts
- TODO: fix next song and previous song

-- 24/11/2018 --
- modified about section with the new css framework
- modified README
- TODO: fix info bar
- TODO: implement dark mode
- TODO: implement login and registration
- TODO: implement song upload
- TODO: implement keyboard shortcuts
- TODO: fix next song and previous song

-- 26/11/2018 --
- modified main page layout
- modified README
- TODO: fix info bar
- TODO: implement dark mode
- TODO: implement login and registration
- TODO: implement song upload
- TODO: implement keyboard shortcuts
- TODO: fix next song and previous song

-- 28/11/2018 --
- fixed next song and previous song
- TODO: implement dark mode
- TODO: implement login and registration
- TODO: implement song upload
- TODO: implement keyboard shortcuts

-- 06/12/2018 --
- added keyboard shortcuts
- added easytimer lib
- implemented song upload
- implemented end time and current of the song
- implemented song progress bar
- TODO: implement dark mode
- TODO: implement login and registration
- TODO: implement song upload to each account
