
European standard QC, data and metadata model for Near Real Time current data from High Frequency Radar

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European standard QC, data and metadata model for Near Real Time current data from High Frequency Radar A common data and metadata model and QC test battery for Near Real Time (NRT) current data from HFR to ensure efficient and automated data discovery and interoperability across distributed and heterogeneous earth science data systems.

This data model was defined and implemented in the framework of the Jerico-Next EU H2020 project, under the coordination of the EuroGOOS High Frequency Radar Task Team (https://eurogoos.eu/high-frequency-radar-task-team/). For any further information, please refer to the EuroGOOS European HFR Node website: https://hfrnode.eu

For proposing changes, integrations and updates to the data model, please use the GitHub functionalities or email to info@hfrnode.eu

Cite as: Corgnati, L.; Mantovani, C.; Novellino, A.; Rubio, A. and Mader, J. (2018) Recommendation Report 2 on improved common procedures for HFR QC analysis. JERICO-NEXT WP5-Data Management, Deliverable 5.14, Version 2.0. Brest, France, IFREMER, 82pp, (JERICO-NEXT-WP5-D5.14-V1.). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25607/OBP-944

Author: Lorenzo Corgnati

Date: March 28, 2024

E-mail: lorenzo.corgnati@sp.ismar.cnr.it