Reinforcement Learning for Robust Low-Thrust Interplanetary Trajectory Design

This code implements a Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework to deal with the robust design of mass-optimal, time-fixed, low-thrust interplanetary transfers with fixed initial and final conditions. Specifically, the mission can be an interception (fixed final position), or a rendezvous (fixed final position and velocity). The Sims-Flanagan method is used to model the low-thrust trajectory, that is divided into a number of segments. Two different thrust models are implemented:

  1. impulsive thrust, with the magnitude of any impulse limited by the amount of velocity variation that could be accumulated over the duration of the corresponding segment;
  2. piecewise constant thrust.

The environment can be deterministic or stochastic (i.e., with state, observation and/or control uncertainties, as well as with a single or multiple consecutive missed thrust events).

The program is based on Stable Baselines, an open-source library containing a set of improved implementations of RL algorithms based on OpenAI Baselines. All necessary information can be found in the corresponding GitHub repository.

Moreover, the program uses OpenMPI message passing interface implementation to run different environment realizations in parallel on several CPU cores during training.


To correctly set up the code on Linux (Ubuntu), please follow the present instructions:

  1. First, you need Python3 and the system packages CMake, OpenMPI and zlib. You can install all these packages with:

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install cmake openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev python3-dev zlib1g-dev
  2. After installing Anaconda, you can create a virtual environment with a specific Python version (3.6.10) by using conda:

    $ conda create --name myenv python=3.6.10

    where myenv is the name of the environment, and activate the environment with:

    $ conda activate myenv

    When the conda environment is active, your shell prompt is prefixed with (myenv). The environment can be deactivated with:

    $ conda deactivate
  3. Install all required packages in the virtual environment by using pip and the requirement file in the current repository:

    (myenv)$ cd /path-to-cloned-GitHub-repository/RobustTrajectoryDesignbyRL/
    (myenv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install the gym RL environment with pip:

    (myenv)$ pip install -e gym-lowthrust

Now, you can verify that all packages were successfully compiled and installed by running the following command:

(myenv)$ python

If this command executes without any error, then your RobustTrajectoryDesignbyRL installation is ready for use.

Eventually, a LaTeX distribution should be installed on the computer in order to correctly visualize all graphs and plots. As an example, to install Tex Live LaTeX distribution on Ubuntu use the following command.

$ sudo apt-get install texlive-full

User Guide

The program is composed by 3 main Python scripts (main_lowthrust_(...).py), the RL environment (in gym-lowthrust/), created by using the OpenAI Gym toolkit, and a number of additional Python modules (in custom_modules/) with useful functions.


  1. is the main file, that must be called to train the agent in a specific RL environment.

    All the environment and program settings must be included in an external text file with ad-hoc formatting, to be placed in folder settings_files/ and given as input to the script. For example, to start training the agent with the settings specified in file settings_files/settings.txt, use the following command:

    (myenv)$ python --settings settings.txt

    The information that must be included in the settings file, together with the right formatting, are described in detail in settings_files/ The settings files that are already present in folder settings_files/ are those used to obtain the results presented in paper You can look at them to better understand how to prepare new "legal" settings files from scratch.

    The specific low-thrust mission to study must be specified in a .dat file to be placed in folder missions/. The file should contain at least three rows, the first containing the columns headers, and the other two specifying the time (t), the spacecraft position (x, y, z) velocity (vx, vy, vz) and mass (m) at the beginning and at the end of the mission, respectively (actually, the final mass can be a fictitious number). All quantities are assumed to be non-dimensional with respect to the reference values reported at lines 141-147 of The name of the mission file must be specified in the settings file. For example, file Earth_Mars.dat contains the optimal spacecraft state an any time for the Earth-Mars rendezvous mission used as case study in paper

    It is also possible to re-train with the same or different settings a pretrained RL model. In this case, the pretrained model file, once named, must be placed in settings_files/ folder, and the program called with the command:

    (myenv)$ python --settings settings.txt --input_model model

    At the end of the training, the final RL model (, the best RL model found according to the evaluation callback ( and all output files are saved in directory sol_saved/sol_(i)/, where number (i) depends on how many solutions are already contained in this folder. The model corresponding to the policy trained in the unperturbed environment of paper can be found in directory sol_saved/sol_1/.

  2. is the file that allows generating the plots of the robust trajectory and of the control that corresponds to a given model (policy). Let us suppose that we want to realize the plots for the model saved in folder sol_saved/sol_1/. It is sufficient to run the command:

    (myenv)$ python --folder sol_saved/sol_1/

    The graphs are saved in the same directory.

  3. is the file that allows performing a Monte Carlo simulation of a given policy in a stochastic environment. Let us suppose that we want to realize a MC by using the model saved in folder sol_saved/sol_1/. It is sufficient to run the command:

    (myenv)$ python --folder sol_saved/sol_1/

    The graphs and output files are saved in the same directory.

Both and are by default called at the end of the training procedure triggered with script

Enjoy the code!