- Run "yarn" to install all the dependencies
- Run "yarn start" to start the development server
- Run "yarn test" to start the unit tests once the server is running
- PurchaseOrderService.php is located at interview-test/app/Helpers
- PurchaseOrderServiceController.php where the logic is being handled and is located at interview-test/app/Http/Controllers
- web.php is where the route for /test is established and is located at interview-test/routes
- All the test files can be found under interview-test/tests/Unit
- Create a .env file and add these values:
API_USERNAME_CARTON_CLOUD=The username to access the Carton Cloud API API_PASSWORD_CARTON_CLOUD=The password to access the Carton Cloud API
API_USERNAME=The username to access the POST request endpoint at /test API_PASSWORD=The password to access the POST request endpoint at /test