BigLab 2 - Class: 2022 AW1

Team name: Le Braciole

Team members:

  • s303480 TABARE' VITTORIO
  • s303462 SCIARA LORENZO
  • s305902 RUBERTO LUCA


A general description of the BigLab 2 is avaible in the course-materials repository, under labs. In the same repository, you can find the instructions for GitHub Classroom, covering this and the next BigLab.

Once you cloned this repository, please write the group name and names of the members of the group in the above section.

In the client directory, do NOT create a new folder for the project, i.e., client should directly contain the public and src folders and the package.json files coming from BigLab1.

When committing on this repository, please, do NOT commit the node_modules directory, so that it is not pushed to GitHub. This should be already automatically excluded from the .gitignore file, but please double-check.

When another member of the team pulls the updated project from the repository, remember to run npm install in the project directory to recreate all the Node.js dependencies locally, in the node_modules folder. Remember that npm install should be executed inside the client and server folders (not in the BigLab2 root directory).

Finally, remember to add the final tag for the final submission, otherwise it will not be graded.

Registered Users

Here you can find a list of the users already registered inside the provided database. This information will be used during the fourth week, when you will have to deal with authentication. If you decide to add additional users, please remember to add them to this table (with plain-text password)!

email password name password John password Mario password Test

List of APIs offered by the server

Provide a short description of the API you designed, with the required parameters. Please follow the proposed structure.

  • [HTTP Method] [URL, with any parameter]
  • [One-line about what this API is doing]
  • [A (small) sample request, with body (if any)]
  • [A (small) sample response, with body (if any)]
  • [Error responses, if any]


Hereafter, we report the designed HTTP APIs, also implemented in the project.

List Films

URL: /api/films

Method: GET

Description: Get all the films that the user saw.

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success) or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An array of objects, each describing a film.

     { id: 1,
     title: 'Taxi Driver', 
     favorite: 1, 
     watchdate: dayjs('2022-03-10'), 
     rating: 5 },

},   { id: 2, 
    title: 'Forrest Gump', 
    favorite: 0, 
    watchdate: dayjs('2022-04-17'), 
    rating: 4 },

Get a Film (By Code)

URL: /api/films/:id

Method: GET

Description: Get the film identified by the code id.

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success), 404 Not Found (wrong code), or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An object, describing a single course.

     { id: 1,
     title: 'Taxi Driver', 
     favorite: 1, 
     watchdate: dayjs('2022-03-10'), 
     rating: 5 

Get Films that fulfill a given filter(By Filter)

URL: /api/films/filter/:filter

Method: GET

Description: Get the films that fulfill a given filter filter.

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success), 404 Not Found (wrong code), or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An array of objects, each describing a film.

     { id: 1,
     title: 'Taxi Driver', 
     favorite: 1, 
     watchdate: dayjs('2022-03-10'), 
     rating: 5 },

},   { id: 2, 
    title: 'Forrest Gump', 
    favorite: false, 
    watchdate: dayjs('2022-04-17'), 
    rating: 5 },

Add a New Film

URL: /api/films

Method: POST

Description: Add a new film to the list of the films.

Request body: An object representing a film (Content-Type: application/json).

{    title: 'Taxi Driver', 
     favorite: 1, 
     watchdate: dayjs('2022-03-10'), 
     rating: 5,

Response: 201 Created (success) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error, e.g., when trying to insert an already existent film). If the request body is not valid, 422 Unprocessable Entity (validation error).

Response body: None

__Update a Film

URL: /api/films/:id

Method: PUT

Description: Update entirely an existing film, identified by its id.

Request body: An object representing the entire film (Content-Type: application/json).

{    title: 'Taxi Driver', 
     favorite: 1, 
     watchdate: dayjs('2022-03-10'), 
     rating: 5,


Response: 200 OK (success) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error). If the request body is not valid, 422 Unprocessable Entity (validation error).

Response body: None

__Mark a Film as favorite/unfavorite

URL: /api/films/:id/favorite

Method: PUT

Description: Mark favorite/unfavorite an existing film, identified by its id.

Request body: An object representing the entire film (Content-Type: application/json).

{   favorite: 1  }

Response: 200 OK (success) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error). If the request body is not valid, 422 Unprocessable Entity (validation error).

Response body: None

Delete a Film

URL: /api/films/:id

Method: DELETE

Description: Delete an existing film, identified by its id.

Request body: None

Response: 204 No Content (success) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).

Response body: None


URL: /api/sessions

Method: POST

Description: Send username and password for the logIn.

Request body: An object representing a user (Content-Type: application/json).

{    user: '', 
     password: 'password', 

Response: 200 OK (success) or 401 Wrong username and/or password or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).

Response body: An object, describing the user.

{    id: 1
     username: '', 
     name: 'test', 


URL: /api/sessions/current

Method: DELETE

Description: logOut.

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success) or 503 Service Unavailable (generic error).

Response body: None

List Users

URL: /api/sessions/current

Method: GET

Description: Get all the user.

Request body: None

Response: 200 OK (success) or 401 Unauthenticated user! (Unauthenticated user) or 500 Internal Server Error (generic error).

Response body: An object, describing the user.

{    id: 1
     username: '', 
     name: 'test', 