
Proof-of-concept implementation of collaborative GKR and a collaborative zk-SNARK with fully distributed proof generation.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Rust implementation of the paper "Scalable Collaborative zk-SNARK: Fully Distributed Proof Generation and Malicious Security".

The project is built upon arkworks ecosystem.


This is a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) implementation. In the paper, we assume a peer-to-peer network for smooth operation of the MPC protocol. In experimental practice, we implemented a single peer that can be executed on a low-specification instance. We estimated the overall efficiency by calculating the computational, memory, and communication costs incurred by a node during a single proof generation process. Although we did not implement actual communication (an industrial-grade implementation could address this), we ensured that each instance accurately executed its assigned tasks, and we properly tracked for the communication overhead.


It uses a nightly version of Rust.

WARNING: The stdsimd feature has been recently removed in the Rust nightly build. If you have installed your Rust toolchain recently, you should switch to an "older" version:

rustup install 1.76.0
rustup default nightly-2024-02-04

How to run

We offer "Rust examples" for distributed primitives and the PoC implementation of distributed GKR. For a "Rust example", if you have just installed, you can run:

just run --release --example <example name>

If you don't have just, execute the examples using the raw cargo commands:

RUSTFLAGS="-Ctarget-cpu=native -Awarnings" cargo +nightly run --release --example <example name>

Distributed primitives

For benchmarks of the distributed primitives, please check hack/bench_poly_comm.sh and hack/bench_sumcheck.sh.

Distributed GKR

Run the example inside the folder gkr/examples.

To run the comparison between PoC dGKR and GKR:

# At the root directory
just run --release --example gkr -- --l 32 --depth 16 --width 19

This command runs proof generation in both local and distributed settings, and you can freely modify gkr/examples/gkr.rs as needed. If you encounter a Too many open files error, adjust your environment setting with ulimit -HSn 65536.

In this command, $l$ represents the packing factor (we use $t := \frac{N}{4}$ in the paper), and the circuit size is calculated as $|C| = depth \times 2^{width}$. In a consumer machine, the example provided typically completes in about 5 minutes.

The program outputs the time taken for each sub-protocol and the actual communication cost (both incoming and outgoing data) during proof generation. This output can be redirected to a file for further analysis.

Project layout

  • dist-primitive: The distributed primitives, including dMSM, dPolyCommit and dSumcheck.
  • gkr: The GKR protocol.
  • hack: Scripts for running the experiments.
  • mpc-net: The network layer for the MPC.
  • secret-sharing: The packed secret sharing scheme.


This library is released under the MIT License.