
Stage two of the restaurant reviews project for Udacity Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Udacity's "Mobile Web Specialist Restaurant Reviews App" Project, Stage 2

Google's Lighthouse web page audit results showing scores of 87 and above

To run this code:

1) cd into serverSide, and follow the instructions below:

Development local API Server Location of server = /server Server depends on node.js LTS Version: v6.11.2 , npm, and sails.js Please make sure you have these installed before proceeding forward.

Let's start with running commands in your terminal, known as command line interface (CLI)

Install project dependancies

# npm i

Install Sails.js globally

# npm i sails -g

Start the server

# node server

You should now have access to your API server environment debug: Environment : development debug: Port : 1337

2) cd into clientSide, and follow the instructions below:

Check your version of Python

# python -V

If you have Python 2.x, spin up the server with python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 (or some other port, if port 8000 is already in use.)

For Python 3.x, you can use python3 -m http.server 8000.

If you don't have Python installed, navigate to Python's website to download and install the software.

With your server running, visit the site: http://localhost:8000