This is a simple project to control/display Spotify playback using a rotary encoder and an OLED display.
It's GAMING because it has a cool RGB LED ring around the encoder.
ESP8266 (I used a Wemos D1 Mini) Rotary Encoder SSD1306 OLED Display WS2812 RGB LED Ring (24 Bit, but you can use any size you want, just change the code)
Install the following libraries:
- WiFiClientSecure
- Adafruit NeoPixel
- SpotifyArduino
- ArduinoJson
- SSD1306
Create a Spotify application and add the following redirect URI: http://localhost/callback
In order to obtain Spotify app client id and secret key, user must create a new Spotify app with her own account:
- Go to!/applications/create
- Fill the form. Set Redirect URIs to
and other fields to values of your choice. - When the app is created, copy Client ID and Client Secret values into the device.
Next, we need to obtain the authorization code:
- In the following URL replace <client_id> with your app client id and open the URL with your browser.<client_id>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fcallback&scope=user-read-private%20user-read-currently-playing%20user-read-playback-state%20user-modify-playback-state
- Authorize the app and you will be redirected to http://localhost/callback.
- Copy the code from the browser address bar. It is the authorization code.
Copy credentialsExample.h
to credentials.h
and fill in the required information.