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Coming up with some ideas for frameworks. Going to go through existing frameworks past and present for inspiration. Then going to sketch up some API ideas (non-functioning). After getting some good concepts and decent feeling APIs then to make proof of concepts with non-optimized functional framework...

some frameworks to draw inspiration from

  • Angular.js 1.x - I don't trust it after 1.x
  • Backbone.js - I know it had it's problems, but there are still some good ideas there
  • Vue.js - the new hotness, some cool ideas
  • React.js - the current big hitter from FB, not very framework like though
  • Ember.js - as a whole I'm not a big fan but there are some good ideas

libraries worth a look at

  • babel.js - modern JS transpiling, why not?
  • React.js - everyone is doing it. Might not be a lot to borrow here, if you want to do things the react way may as well use react.
  • RX.js - modern day observables
  • redux.js - immutable state management with pure functions, actions up - data down.
  • immutable.js - pure functions and immutable data, good for predictable state changes.
  • polymer.js - Web components-ish

...More notes to come