Kubernetes Instrumental Adaptor

This repo is an implementation of the Kubernetes ExternalMetrics API. Much of the code is pulled from these two very helpful OSS projects:

Currently, this adaptor only implements the ExternalMetricsProvider. At the moment, all of the metrics we want are stored in Instrumental as "global" metrics and we didn't need to implement the CustomMetricsProvider. CustomMetricsProvider is a way to talk directly to the kubernetes objects, which we don't need at this time. However, they are all stubbed out. If you would like to contribute to that, please create an issue and let us know how you would like to integrate the kube objects with Instrumental

Instrumental Client

As part of this project, we implemented a client that wraps an HTTP call to the Instrumental API. Currently it is fairly simple, but if it is something that could be used outside of this project, we could create a separate repo and add much more functionality to this client.

Adaptor Installation and Usage

To use this adaptor, you will need to deploy the yaml files in the ./deploy directory to your kubernetes cluster. This will setup all the RBAC, service account, deployment, etc needed. The docker image provided by default is built for linux 386 machines. If you need a different build, you will need to clone the project and change the Makefile to use the GOOS and GOARCH or your chose. You will need to do this if you want to host the docker image in a different docker repository as well.

To deploy, first create a secret for your INSTRUMENTAL_TOKEN. Add your unique INSTRUMENTAL_TOKEN to the token.yaml file and run:

kubectl apply -f deploy/token.yaml

Remember to base64 encode your INSTRUMENTAL_TOKEN in the deploy/token.yaml file.

NOTE: Be sure to keep your secrets secure. We recommend not committing any secrets to you repo.

Then, create the deployment by running:

kubectl apply -f deploy/instrumental_adaptor.yaml

This will create all the adaptor resources in a namespace called custom-metrics. To see these resources run:

kubectl get all -n custom-metrics

NOTE: If you are running on GKE, you may need to enable cluster-admin for your user. To do so, run:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --user <USER_ACCOUNT>

Once the adaptor is setup, you will then need to create a deployment for your application. There is a sample yaml file in the examples directory. You will need to have an application that writes some Instrumental metrics within your app. When your app is ready to go, change the fields noted in the examples/simple.yaml file to match the metrics you want to scale on.

To check that everything is working, you can look at the logs produced by the adaptor. First, get the name of the po for the adaptor.

kubectl get po -n custom-metrics
NAME                                                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
custom-metrics-instrumental-adapter-478374838-39ff1   1/1       Running   0          5m

Then follow the logs for this container:

kubectl logs custom-metrics-instrumental-adapter-478374838-39ff1 -f


Here is a link to our public Dockerhub page: custom-metrics-instrumental-adaptor