
Fall 2015 Java II (CIS-175) Final Project

Primary LanguageJava


This project was from the Fall 2015 Semester for Java II (CIS-175). This was a group project with a fellow classmate, CHADALAK1.

'This' commit was the final to be turned in for a grade. It maybe updated/polished in the future for just a hobby now.


This is a 2D Text base dungeon crawler. The goal is to get the keys to destroy the final boss. Look at Instructions for legend and a 'How To' for controls.

THIS PROJECT IS USING THE 'INTELLIJ IDEA' IDE.(currently using the Community version because its free) You must install IntelliJ IDEA to work with this project.

It's quite easy to clone the project to your PC/MAC. When opening IntelliJ, usually it prompts with a window to start a new project. HOWEVER, there is an option at the bottom to "Check in from Repository" then select "GitHub"

it will then ask you to login to your GitHub (no worries it's all completely free). I will also need the username of your github account to add you to the repository collaborators(meaning to edit the source code of the project)

once this is all established you are ready to edit the Java code and make the final project complete :D


Sometimes, there are times you are away from your PC/Mac, but wish to work on it with a computer with IntelliJ IDEA on it. Not a problem :)! Definitly possible

when in IntelliJ if it doesnt prompt you to check in from Repository, just do this

VCS->Checkout from version control->GitHub

Then login to your password and select the Repo you wish to clone(import) onto the computer. :)