
My tech blog reborn yet again

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An Eleventy site

LostInBrittany.dev is statically generated from this source code with the Eleventy static site generator using WebC (*.webc).

Getting started

Run a local copy of this site on your computer.

Install Node.js on your machine (see 11ty documentation for version requirements).

Then enter the following commands into your terminal:

1. Clone this repository and all its dependencies

git clone git@github.com:LostInBrittany/lostinbrittany-dev.git

2. Go to the working directory

cd lostinbrittany-dev

Specifically take a look at the file named .eleventy.js to see if you want to configure any Eleventy options differently.

3. Install the project dependencies with NPM

npm install

4. Edit the .js files in the _data directory with your site information

5. Run Eleventy

npx @11ty/eleventy

Or build and host locally for local development

npx @11ty/eleventy --serve

Or build automatically when a template changes

npx @11ty/eleventy --watch

Or in debug mode

DEBUG=* npx @11ty/eleventy

Publish your own copy

The command npm run build will generate a copy of the site files in a _site directory, which you can deploy with any hosting service.

Deploy to Netlify

© 2021 by Horacio Gonzalez