Create notes within folders that can be accessed without collapsing the folder, similar to the functionality offered in Notion.
- amelandriTampieri Financial Group S.p.A.
- animafpsNew Zealand
- Antoine-lb@42School
- awsharif
- cabiamdoscabiam@criptext.com
- chardsoHarware and electronics prototyping organization ltd
- circle3451
- cvpeckAdelaide, South Australia
- dartungarEPAM
- desk7
- entilo-itentilo.pl
- ericgregorichAbel Solutions
- gamingrobotUnited States
- HeziodePhD student at @Novasys-Ingenierie and @Adalog-fr
- Jack-ChronicleNYXs Lantern
- joezengToronto, Ontario
- johnpearman
- jwhitleySeattle, WA
- jyrodgers
- Khalid-Hersafril-Flowcopter
- khanhtoan529
- kraibsePerlsystem it solutions
- KuiyueRO
- mderoullersHoppR
- michaelhettmer
- mkdjr@usnistgov
- mksh-githubFukushima, Japan
- polyinnovatorPolyInnovator
- Question406UCSB
- RglMrn
- sigrunixia@Obsidianmd
- somster-boop
- spacewasabiParis
- the-sin14
- zhengpdChina, Guangzhou
- zubayrali127.0.0.1