Next frourio Starter

A monorepo service enabling full-stack development with TypeScript, constructed using Next.js in the src directory for the frontend and frourio in the server directory for the backend.

Latest Commit Demo -

Development Procedure

Node.js Installation

Install directly on your local machine.

Download and install the LTS version from (left button).

Clone the Repository and Install npm Modules

There are package.json files in the root, front-end, and back-end, so you need to install three times.

npm i
npm i --prefix client
npm i --prefix server
yarn --cwd client
yarn --cwd server

Creating Environment Variable Files

cp client/.env.example client/.env
cp server/.env.example server/.env
cp docker/dev/.env.example docker/dev/.env
cp server/prisma/.env.example server/prisma/.env

Middleware Setup

docker compose up -d

Starting the Development Server

For subsequent development sessions, the following command is sufficient:

npm run notios
yarn notios

Open http://localhost:3000 in a web browser.

Terminal display during development is managed by notios.

New CLI Tool notios for Uncluttering Terminal Logs in Node.js Monorepo Development

To close, press Ctrl + C twice in succession.

Firebase Emulator


MinIO Console


PostgreSQL UI

cd server
npx prisma studio
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U root -d app -W