
Some OBS Studio scripts useful to me (Lua & Python) (((bLaZiNg fAsT pYtHoN sCrIpTs)))

Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


Some OBS Studio scripts useful to me (Lua & Python). You have all the OBS scripts in the /scripts folder of the repository. You may have some additional instructions to these scripts.

Installation to put these scripts in OBS: Tools / Scripts > Select the script you want to import with the + button.

Lua scripts :

You don't have anything to do to make them work.

Python scripts :

  • Download Python 3.6.8 fully supported by the latest OBS Studio (27.2.4) below in the Ressources section of this README file. (updated the 2022-07-28)
  • At the installation, if you don't want some problems and if you don't know anything about Python, please click on Customize and then check "Install for all users", "Add Python to environment variables" and "Precompile standard library" on the Python Setup.
  • Once installed, you should find your Python Path for the OBS Python Settings into "C:\Program Files\Python36"


Warning : You may need some external librairies to let OBS Python scripts work properly. Please read the .md file (which is a README file) in each folder where the script is.

Ressources :

Make requests to Twitch API

In some scripts of that repository, you may need a Client ID and a OAuth parameter.

How to get them ?

Well the easiest way to get these parameters are the following instructions :

  • Go to this link : https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps (accept all the Twitch stuff to let you be a real developer 😎)
  • Click on Register Your Application image
  • Then create your application, just type http://localhost:3000 in the URL OAuth redirection text field. image
  • Once created, go to Edit and copy the Client ID code (we don't need the Client Secret code)
  • Then you'll have to create a link to get the OAuth token. image https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&client_id= YOUR CLIENT ID &redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000
  • And just get the OAuth token here image http://localhost:3000/#access_token= YOUR OAUTH TOKEN TO GET &scope=&token_type=bearer

Note : If you need more permissions with your token to access to some private data on the Twitch API, you can add Scopes where you create the link.

Example with "Read Extensions" permission : https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&client_id= YOUR CLIENT ID &redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000&scope=analytics:read:extensions

Documentation : https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/authentication/scopes

Finished ! Just copy and paste the Client ID and the OAuth token into the following text fields of your favorite script ! image

If you want to go further or you already have your token generator here's the Twitch documentation : https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/get-started