
A 24/7 music bot for Discord.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Discord Music 24/7

A 24/7 music bot for Discord that pauses when nobody is listening.


To self-host this bot, you'll need the following:

  • git
  • node.js (Version 12 or higher is required.)
  • ffmpeg
  • A C/C++ compiler installed (Required to install @discordjs/opus.)

ffmpeg should be installed by default on Linux and MacOS, in case it isn't, install it with your package manager.

For Windows users:

For ffmpeg, head over to ffmpeg's official website to download the binary which will need to be added to your $PATH. If you don't know how to add folders to your $PATH, check out this guide.

For C/C++ compiler, head over to Windows-Build-Tools on NPM and install the package globally.


In order to self-host this bot, first you'll need to clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/moonstar-x/discord-music-24-7.git

Once cloned, proceed to install the dependencies:

npm ci --only=prod

Or, if you wish to install the devDependencies:

npm install

After you have configured the bot, you can run it with:

npm start


Inside the config folder, rename the file settings.json.example to settings.json and edit the file with you own Discord Token and other settings. If you don't have a Discord Token yet, you can see a guide on how to create it here.

Your file should look like this.

  "token": "YOUR_DISCORD_TOKEN",
  "prefix": "!",
  "owner_id": "123123123",
  "presence_type": "PLAYING",
  "channel_id": "123213123",
  "shuffle": true,
  "pause_on_empty": true,
  "owner_reporting": false,
  "soundcloud_client_id": "",
  "youtube_cookie": "",
  "presence_status": "{status_icon} {song_name}"

You may also configure these options with environment variables. The settings set with the environment variables will take higher precedence than the ones in the config JSON file.

This table contains all the configuration settings you may specify with both environment variables and the JSON config file.

Environment Variable JSON property Required Description
DISCORD_TOKEN token Yes. The bot's token.
DISCORD_PREFIX prefix No. (Defaults to: !) The bot's prefix used for the commands.
DISCORD_OWNER_ID owner_id No. (Defaults to: null) The ID of the bot's owner. This is only necessary if owner_reporting is set to true.
DISCORD_PRESENCE_TYPE presence_type No. (Defaults to: PLAYING) The presence type that will be used. Can only be one of: PLAYING, LISTENING, WATCHING, STREAMING, or COMPETING.
DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID channel_id Yes. The ID of the channel that will be auto joined by the bot.
DISCORD_SHUFFLE shuffle No. (Defaults to true) Whether the bot should shuffle the queue on start-up.
DISCORD_PAUSE_ON_EMPTY pause_on_empty No. (Defaults to true) Whether the bot should pause the music when the channel is empty.
DISCORD_OWNER_REPORTING owner_reporting No. (Defaults to false) Whether the bot should send DMs to the owner in case a command runs into an error. This is very unlikely with the amount of commands there is available.
DISCORD_SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID soundcloud_client_id Only required if queue contains a SoundCloud URL. Your SoundCloud Client ID. To find your Client ID, check out this guide.
DISCORD_YOUTUBE_COOKIE youtube_cookie Preferable to use if your bot is hosted in a network with a static public IP. This will authenticate YouTube requests with your cookie. Tries to avoid the 429 Too Many Requests error. Your YouTube cookie. To find your YouTube cookie, check out this guide.
DISCORD_PLAYING_STATUS playing_status No. (Defaults to {status_icon} {song_name}) A customized playing status. Check customizing status for more information on how to use this.
DISCORD_INTERMISSION_INTERVAL intermission_interval No. (Defaults to null) The number of songs that are played before an intermission audio is played. Check intermission audios for more information.
  • To see how to find the IDs for users or channels, you can check out this guide.
  • If you don't have a Discord token yet, you can see a guide on how to get one here.

Customizing Status

You can customize the bot's presence status message. This status is updated every time the bot plays or pauses music playback or when a new song is being played.

You can add template keys wrapped in braced {} to aggregate dynamic information to your status message.

The following keys are supported:

  • {song_name}: The current song being played.
  • {song_source}: The source of the song being played. This is added by the Provider being used and can have values such as: YT, SC, LOCAL or GENERIC.
  • {status_icon}: The icon of the status for the player. This corresponds to the stop, paused and playing icons.
  • {song_index}: The index of the current song in the queue.
  • {queue_size}: The size of the queue.

You can add how many of these you want into your status message. You can use as an example: {status_icon} [{song_index}/{queue_size}] which will turn into something like ► [3/20].

Intermission Audios

Intermission audios try to emulate ads on a radio station. The intermission_interval setting represents the number of songs that will be played before an intermission audio is played. This means that every X number of songs in the queue, an intermission audio will be played. This setting needs to be a positive number greater or equal to 1.

If you set the intermission_interval to null in your config, no intermissions will be played. If you do add an intermission_interval, the bot will generate a folder named local-intermissions and a file named intermissions.txt inside the data folder. Both of these act the same way as local-music and queue.txt, which means that intermission audios can be added as local .mp3 or .m4a files inside the local-intermissions folder and audio URLs can be added into the intermissions.txt file.

If you set an intermission_interval, you will need to add at least one file inside the local-intermissions folder or add at least an audio URL inside intermissions.txt, otherwise the bot will crash.

If you don't wish to use intermissions, simply leave intermission_interval set to null.

Intermission Audio Caveats

Keep in mind that since an intermission audio is not being pulled from the music queue, the {song_index} status key will not be incremented.

Currently, the presence status message update does not differentiate between a song being played from the queue and an intermission audio being played.

Running on Docker

You can start a container with the bot's image by running:

docker run -it -e DISCORD_TOKEN="YOUR DISCORD TOKEN" -e CHANNEL_ID="YOUR CHANNEL ID" -v "/local/folder/for/data":"/opt/app/data" moonstarx/discord-music-24-7:latest

Check configuration to see which environment variables you can use.

The following volumes can be used:

  • /opt/app/config: The config folder for the bot, here you can use the settings.json file to configure the bot if you don't want to use environment variables.
  • /opt/app/data: The data folder for the bot. Here you can find the queue.txt file containing all the song URLs for the bot to play. There will also be a local-music folder to insert your MP3 or M4A files to play.


Here's a list of all the commands for the bot:

Command Alias Description
!skip !s   Skip the current song being played.
!help !h Display a help message with all the available commands.

The bot will automatically start playing music in the configured channel, it will also automatically pause when nobody is listening to the music to save bandwidth (if pause_on_empty or PAUSE_ON_EMPTY are enabled).

This bot is designed to work only on one server at a time. Inviting your bot to multiple servers will yield unexpected behavior.

The music that is played is stored in the queue.txt inside the data folder. You can add the music you want the bot to play in this file. Any links must begin with https:// or http://.

Additionally, you can play local music by inserting .mp3 or .m4a files inside the data/local-music folder. Make sure the files are properly ID3 tagged so the bot can get the artist and song name from the metadata.

Supported URLs

The bot can play music from the following URLs:

  • youtube.com
  • youtu.be
  • soundcloud.com

Playlists are not officially supported yet. You may find that they may work but generally only the first song will be pulled from them.

You can also play radio streams, as long as the stream is of the following types:

  • audio/aac
  • audio/mpeg
  • audio/ogg
  • audio/opus
  • audio/wav

Pausing/Resuming may take a bit longer with these streams.

Getting 429 Too Many Requests (YouTube)

If you're reaching 429: Too Many Requests errors in the console, then most likely you're being rate limited by YouTube because your connection is not authenticated.

Inside Configuration you'll find a parameter called youtube_cookie, this is where you'll paste the cookie extracted from your YouTube login.

  1. Head over to YouTube and login if you haven't already.
  2. Then, open the developer inspector (Ctrl+Shift+I or Cmd+Option+I) and open the Network tab. Refresh the page if you're not getting a list of requests. (Make sure to select All* in the filter tab).
  3. Look for a request named www.youtube.com and check it's headers. Under Response Headers you will find the header set-cookie, this will contain a directive called expires, keep this date in mind because your cookie will be invalidated after this date and you may need to update the settings file manually prior to this date. (Currently looking for a way to avoid this.)
  4. Inside the same request, look for the Request Headers and copy the content of the cookie header. This is the cookie that you'll need to paste inside the settings.json file or set as your YOUTUBE_COOKIE environment variable.

This solution has varied results, it works for some people, it doesn't for others.

Repl.it Support

Unfortunately, Repl.it does not support ffmpeg anymore which means that this bot will not work on this.


This bot was made by moonstar-x with contributions from zackradisic (Soundcloud support).