
Arduino library for a simple TTL communication with DPM8600 power converters.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


DPM8600 is an Arduino library for controlling DPM8600 series power converters (DPM8605, DPM8608, DPM8616 and DPM8624). The library uses Serial communication for sending and receiving commands using this protocol.

Table of Contents

General Information

  • This library only works for TTL version of the converter, not RS-485.
  • Serial communication happens over 5V so use a level converter if your arduino runs at 3.3V.
  • DPM8600 take about 0.6s to turn on an adjust the settings, so turning on the power and immedeately getting the readings will occasionally produce erroneous measurements.
  • Current resolution is 3 decimal places, while voltage is 2 decimal places.


DPM8600 Layout

As can be seen on the image on above, there several main component to working with DPM8600 power converters. First, In+ In- indicates where the input needs to be connected (10-75V). Then Out+ Out- is for the output. Finally communication is done through ports 1-4:

1 - Power

2 - Data out (->)

3 - Data in (<-)

4 - Ground

If using Arduino with the same 5V serial (e.g Uno), you only need to connect ports 2-4. However, if your Arduino is 3.3V (e.g MKR1010) then you have to use a level converter to step between different voltages, and to power that converter you would have to use port 1 as well.


DPM8600(int8_t address = 1) 

Creates a new DPM8600 object with a different address (1-99). The address can be changed manually on the power converter.

e.g. DPM8600 converter(2); - creates a converter object with address = 02

e.g. DPM8600 converter; - creates a converter object with address = 01

Function Descriptions


int begin(HardwareSerial Serial, int8_t maxRetry = 3);

Initializes the power converter. Required upon starting up. Serial has to be initiated beforehand with the correct baud rate of the power converter (Default is 9600). Check out the example code if confused.

  • Serial - pass a reference for a hardware serial.
  • maxRetry - maximum number of retries if the connection fails. Default = 3

Returns 1 on success or a negative integer for an error.

Power Switching

int power(bool on);

Turns the power on / off.

Returns 1 on success or a negative integer on error.

Write Command

int write(char cmd, float value);

Writing command sets the corresponding property on the power converter.

E.g. write('c', 3.21) set current limit on the converter to 3.21A

List of commands:

  • 'v' or 'V' - sets voltage limit. Value range: 0 - 60V.
  • 'c' or 'C' - sets current limit. Value range: 0 - max available for the converter (e.g. DPM8616 has max current of 16A).
  • 'p' or 'P' - sets the power on or off. Works same as power(bool on). Value is 0 (off) or 1 (on), anything else will produce error -20.

Returns 1 on success or a negative integer on error.

Write Voltage and Current

int write(float v, float c);

Writing command that sends both voltage and current at the same time. Both voltage and current are float and are in Volts and Amps respectively.

Returns 1 on success of a negative integer on error.

Read Command

float read(char cmd);

Reading function returns Float state values of the specified command. List of commands:

  • 'v' or 'V' - returns voltage in Volts.
  • 'c' or 'C' - returns current in Amps.
  • 'p' or 'P' - returns power state. 0 - power off, 1 - power on.
  • 's' or 'S' - returns CC / CV status. 0 - CV, 1 - CC.
  • 'm' or 'M' - returns max current of the power converter in Amps (e.g. 5, 8, 16 or 24).
  • 't' or 'T' (or any other character) - returns the internal temperature of the power converter in Celcius.

Returns a positive float value on success, or negative float on error.


Errors are returned as negative values (integers or floats). E.g. read('v') can return -10 (float), which indicates an error. This way you can always monitor your code.

Error list:

-1 - error on begining DPM8600.

-10 - error on voltage reading.

-11 - error on current reading.

-12 - error on power reading.

-13 - error on CC/CV reading.

-14 - error on max current reading.

-15 - error on temperature reading.

-16 - value outside boundaries.

-20 - wrong value or command sent to power writing function.

-21 - error setting current.

-22 - error setting power on/off.

-23 - error setting voltage.

-24 - error setting current and voltage.

-25 - wrong writing command.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Timothy Lobiak - linked-in - timothylobiak@gmail.com