
Sample project to run PHP FPM in a container and Apache on the host

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Example PHP-FPM container with Apache on host

This is a tiny example on how to setup a web server with Apache running on the host, and PHP-FPM running in a container. This can be handy for running multiple PHP versions on a single server, or running different sites that need different PHP versions.


Build the container

sudo docker build -t fpm-example .

Run the container

sudo docker run -d -v $(pwd)/html:/var/www/html -p 9001:9000 --name fpm1 fpm-example

  • -d for detached mode
  • -v $(pwd)/html:/var/www/html to map host html folder to container /var/www/html. $(pwd) because the host path must be absolute.
  • -p to map 9001 host port to container 9000 port. PHP-FPM runs on port 9000 inside the container. If you need other FPMs to run, change 9001 with whatever free port.
  • --name fpm1 so we can easily pick that container when running commands.


Enable some mods with sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_fcgi and sudo systemctl restart apache2

Virtual Host

Create a fpm1.conf in /etc/apache2/sites-available.

The important part is the ProxyPassMatch rule. It defines what process to execute the PHP files on.

  • Notice the 9001 which is the port we chose when mapping the container port.
  • /var/www/html is also important, it tels PHP-FPM where the file is located on its side. Apache2 and PHP-FPM must both have access to the files, but PHP-FPM has access to them through a mounted volume inside the docker container, which has a different path.

Of course the DocumentRoot path must be changed to match your path.

<<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName fpm1.local

    DocumentRoot /home/louwii/Dev/fpm/html

    ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://$1

    <Directory /home/louwii/Dev/fpm/html>
        Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted
        DirectoryIndex index.php

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/fpm1-error.log

Run sudo a2ensite fpm1 and sudo systemctl reload apache2.

Add this line into your /etc/hosts file    fpm1.local


Just go to http://fpm1.local/ and it should just work.


Handy commands for debugging

sudo docker logs -f fpm1 to get the container logs.

sudo docker exec -it fpm1 /bin/bash to get bash inside the container.