
Javascript type checking tool.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple type checker slash validation module striving for code minimalism and a thorough test suite.

The primary use case for is-too is validating input from a form, but feel free to use it however you wish.

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npm install is-too


var is = require('is-too')

var metal = "666" // |..|.  .|..|

if (is.present(metal) && is.integer(metal)) {


  • Operators
    • present
    • equal
    • unequal
    • exactly
    • notExactly
    • greaterThan
    • greaterThanOrEqualTo
    • lessThan
    • lessThanOrEqualTo
    • instanceOf
  • Primitives
    • boolean
    • nil
    • undef
    • false
    • falsy
    • true
    • truthy
  • Objects
    • object
    • plainObject
    • args
    • array
    • func
  • Regular Expressions
    • regex
    • match
  • Strings
    • string
    • emptyString
  • Numbers
    • number
    • numberString
    • integer
    • integerString
    • hexadecimal
    • hexadecimalString
    • zero
    • zeroString
  • Dates
    • date
    • sameDate
    • today
    • futureDate
    • pastDate


is.not[methodName] will return the inverse all methods.

is.not.greaterThan(1, 2) // true : 1 is not greater than 2


  • toInteger, toInt: converts a number to an integer, and NaN to null because you can do math with null.
  • toNumber, toNum: same as toInt, but respects decimals.