Comic Relief Grant app
This App allow user to find grant which head offices are within 10km of their postcode using React, Comic Relief API and the API.
This app is live here
Quick Start
# Install dependencies
npm install or yarn
# Serve on localhost:3000
npm start or yarn start
# Build for production
npm run build
With the time given, I have chosen a combination of features, decided on how the structure of the application should look like and focus on the functionalities of the app. I then followed agile development approach to develop the application.
With this application, users can:
- Can view 10 grants by default when the app load
- Can search for grant which head offices are 10km away from his postcode
Main frameworks and libraries
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, ES6, JavaScript, React, Bootsrap, context API
Future improvements
I'd like to keep expanding this project to hone my existing skills, as well as to explore new technologies. Improve UI for better user experience Add test Improve accessibility by adding tag like aria...
Application architecture
The user must provide a valid postcode in the input field provided and click get grant button. This postcode is convert to latitude and longititude, which is used to query all the grants which have head office available within 10km of the user postcode.
This project is licensed under the MIT License