
Before you start

Forking & cloning

First step is to fork this repo to your account, then clone it locally.

After you do that, add a remote to point to CodeYourFuture repo, that will allow you to update you forked copy when we update the repo with more exercises.

Example command: git remote add cyf git@github.com:CodeYourFuture/unit-testing-london.git


Run npm install

How to run the tests

To run the tests from the console, run the command: npm test.

To keep the tests running (auto updating when you save files), run the command: npm test -- --watch then press a to run all the tests and keep watching the files for changes. To quit the tests, type q.


Run npm test -- --watch.

You should have lots of failing tests. Implement each function in src/functions.js so all the unit tests pass when you run npm test.


  • Don't copy and paste code. Write all code from beginning and make sure you understand what each line does.
  • If you are not sure what a method or function does Google it. MDN and Stack Overflow are great resources.
  • User the debugger to step through code execution and see what each line does if you are not sure.