Q-Learning Algorithms
Q-learning algorithms, inspired by Tom Mitchell - "Machine Learning" reinforcement learning chapter
1 Basic Q-Learning Algorithm
Gridworld (Discrete)
- The valid states in this simple world are (i, j) where i, j are integers between 0 and 4, representing a 5x5 grid.
- The valid actions are 'up' or 'right'.
- There are different costs associated with each cell according to a cost function, the goal always has a reward of 100.
- If the agent hits a wall it get a penalty but doesn't move anywhere, so the world is episodic (provided each action at each state is taken with non-zero probability).
- The world is deterministic.
- The goal state is (4, 4) in the top right corner, so starting at any state the agent can reach the goal.
- An episode is the sequence of actions and rewards from a random starting position until it reaches the goal.
- The agents main feature is a Q-table, which maps the states and actions to a Q-value. The Q-values can be used to determine which action to take from a given state.
- Episode loop:
- Select an action, a, according to a rule.
- Update rule: Q(s, a) <- r(s, a) + γ * max_{a'}( Q(s', a') ) where s is the current state, a the choose action, r is the immediate reward, γ is the decay constant, s' is the next state after performing action a in state s, and a' are the actions available from state s'. This update rule would work in continual time tasks, because of the decay constant.
- Strategies for learning the optimal policy:
- 1 Random action selection. This can explore the whole search space.
- 2 ε-Greedy action selection, the highest Q-value available from the current state, or random action with probability ε.
- 3 Softmax; Choose actions using a pdf defined by the function: k^Q-value-of-action, (after normalisation). This can explore the whole search space, but chooses more promising actions with higher probability.
File Structure
- 1-Basic
- Q-Table.py -- contains all the code for the algorithm.
- Quiver.py -- visualising the policy.
- make_gif_from_png.py -- making the gif.
- /temp-plots -- folder for the images.
- /gifs -- folder for the gifs.
$ python Q-Table.py
The model will train and output png files of its progress into the 'plots' folder, then it will join them into a gif. In the code you can switch between Random exploring, ε-Greedy and Softmax functions to determine how it the exploration strategy. Two lines must be changes to do this: the first line in the while loop in the function 'episode()', and the variable 'strategy' near the end of the file.
Policy Generation
Random Exploring | ε-Greedy, ε = 0.2 | Softmax, τ = 100, decay = 0.999 |
The colours of the arrows indicate the cost from being in a cell. The optimal policy indicates that we should move to cells with lower costs on our way to the goal, as expected. Notice how Greedy & Random Strategy settles on the optimal policy significantly faster than Random Exploring.
2 Nondeterministic world, Q-Learning
Gridworld (Discrete, Non-determinitic rewards)
- Everything as before, except now the costs are built from multivariate normal pdfs with means positioned around the board, a mask is used to determine which ones are used on any particular episode. This means the agent will now have to sample.
- The agent has been restructure to be object oriented, and a separate class for the elements in the Q-table, to keep track of the current Q-value and how many times that state has been visited yet.
- Episode loop:
- Select an action, a, according to a rule.
- Update rule: Q(s, a) <- (1-α_n)Q(s, a) + α_n(r(s, a) + γ * max_{a'}( Q(s', a') )) where α_n = 1/(1+visits(s, a)).
File Structure
- 2-NondeterministicQ-Learning
- nondeterministicQ-Table.py -- contains all the code for the algorithm.
- Quiver2.py -- visualising the policy.
- mvn.py -- pdf for multivariate normal dist.
- make_gif_from_png.py -- making the gif.
- /temp-plots -- folder for the images.
- /gifs -- folder for the gifs.
- /reward-logs -- folder for the datasets of the total reward at each iteration.
$ python nondeterministicQ-Table.py
3 Continuous world, Deep Q-Learning Algorithm
//notes to self:
- Make state space cts, use nn to rank how close each state is together.
- could have different nns for each action.
- Make action space cts.