
The development of a smartphone application with modifiable augmented reality filter for clothing prints

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project contains the source code for the bachelor's thesis with the title:

The development of a smartphone application with modifiable augmented reality filter for clothing prints

Author: Louis Ohlow


Since this project contains augmented reality features, a physical device is necessary to run the app. The device has to support ARKit on iOS (iPhone 6s or newer) or ARCore for Android.

For running the app follow these steps:

1. clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/LouisOhlow/WeAr

2. navigate to the root folder:

cd wear/wear

3. install all node packages:

npm install

4. prepare devices

for setting up the devices for usb debugging, please follow the offical iOS and Android documentation.

5. platform specific preparations


open the wear/android project once with Android Studio and make sure you have a valid SDK installed


open the wear/ios project once with xCode

6. fix node-module error:

navigate to node_modules/react-native-permissions/RNPermissions.podspec

at line 6, change "React-Core" to "React/Core"

6.1 only iOS

run the following commands:

cd ios

pod install

cd ..

7. connect your device and run the project:

From the terminal:


npx react-native run-android --variant=ArDebug


npx react-native run-ios --device=yourDeviceName

alternatively you can just run it with XCode or Android Studio

Project Structure


This folder contains all redux state management actions


contains all visible components divided by views whereas the edit filter overview and setting view is for technical reasons in the same folder


contains the realm logic and the default filter data as well as the all filter connections kind of like an api connection


contains the logic for navigating between all screens


contains all redux state reducers


contains the resources such as buttons, objects, images, image targets and colors


helper functions to prepare data or help out with basic logic


for running all tests, run the following command from the root folder:

npm test we-ar

Icon Credits

add_button.png - designed srip from flaticon turn_button.png - designed by Freepik from Flaticon arrow_button.png - designed by Freepik from Flaticon edit_button.png - designed by Kiranshastry from Flaticon cancel_button - designed srip from flaticon delete_button - designed by bqlqn from Flaticon back_button -designed by Becris from Flaticon reset_button - designed by Freepik from Flaticon