
Scripts to generate `.pdf` from `.tex` files and `diff.pdf` from git-commit versions. Use IEEE format as an example.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Tutorial for LaTeXDiff_Git


- Why

This tutorial is mainly for the course - English for Science and Technology, CS, NTHU.
However, it doesn't restrict to this course but also for gernal purpose.

- What

Scripts including *.sh and *.py are written for Bash and Python3 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS respectively.
These scripts aim to shorten your time on checking differences between each (git commit) version.

- How

The '.git/' in project-root folder will be cloned twice to do git checkout -f and latexdiff to prevent messing up your working.
All files in subfolders (in diff folder) will temporarily moved to diff-root folder in order to do latexdiff during the process.

0_init.sh: To set up required environment, including git config and package installation
1_gen_paper.sh: To generate paper .pdf file from .tex using pdflatex and bibtex
2_gen_diff.sh: To execute gen_diff.py with pipenv support
3_run_editor.sh: To run JabRef or start texmaker with ENVs to support subfolders
diff/gen_diff.py: To generate diff .pdf file between commits using latexdiff and git

- When

0_init.sh: For git-config part, run once for different projects; otherwise, once and for all
1_gen_paper.sh: Each time you want to upadate pdf result for paper
2_gen_diff.sh: After git-commit with specific keywords in commit message
3_run_editor.sh: Each time for running texmaker if using subfolders
diff/gen_diff.py: Just sit and wait, i.e., do not run it manually

- Help

Pass -h as an argument to scripts to get further options, e.g., 0_init.sh -h
Demo video recording with captions in both en and zh_TW is also available on YouTube.

- Constraints

In this project, there are some constrains so that you could avoid process all of the commits.
Only commits that meet the following constraints will be processed:

  1. On master branch; therefore, allow you to have detail commits on the other branches.
  2. Message start with "Edit" or "Review"; therefore, allow you to have non-edit commits, e.g., update readme.

Note that these constraints could be changed by given correspond options, i.e., -b BRANCH and -k KEYWORD.

- Limitation

Due to the limitation of latexdiff and latex itself, some recommendations are offered:

  1. Do not having files with same name in different folders.
    E.g., 'abc/file.tex' and 'xyz/file.tex' must not be in the same project
  2. Comments in iffalse won't be treated as differences, use it carefully.
    Comments between '\iffalse SOMETHING_HERE \fi' won't be processed
  3. Author section won't be processed (not sure why).

- License

This project is licensed under the MIT License (aka MadeInTaiwan License ฅ• ω •ฅ).
So feel free to modify it to your own version if needed.
Contact me if having any comments. :D

Environment Setup

1. Code clone

git clone https://github.com/LouisSung/LaTeXDiff_Git
cd LaTeXDiff_Git/

2. Run init script

Reset user config (name and email)? [Y/n]    # default Y; prees Enter to continue
- Enter user name for git:
- Enter user email for git:
Reset (origin) remote? [Y/n]
- Enter remote url:
- Add secondary push remote? [y/N]    # default N, add if needed
-  Enter secondary remote url:
Set other configs (git graph and pull --rebase)? [Y/n]

Install TexLive-Science (SW distribution for TeX)? [Y/n]
Install Latexdiff (To generate diff PDFs)? [Y/n]
Install Texmaker (Open-source LaTeX editor)? [Y/n]
Install pip3 (The Python Package Installer)? [y/N]    # install if needed 
Install Pipenv (Virtual environment for Python)? [y/N]    # install if needed
Init pipenv (For gen_diff.py)? [Y/n]


- Generate Paper PDF

# Prerequisite: TexLive-Science
# Target: build/Paper.pdf

- Generate Diff PDFs

# Prerequisite: Python3, (pip3, Pipenv), and GitPython
# Target: diff/([1-9][0-9]*-USER-COMMIT_MSG.pdf)*

- Run Editor

# Prerequisite: Texmaker
# OR
# Prerequisite: JabRef
./3_run_editor.sh -j

- List Commit Logs

git graph    # should set alias (via init script)
# For example:
#  * 8d96138 - (7 days ago) Edit introduction - Zapdos
#  * 28f8338 - (7 days ago) Edit title and author - Articuno
#  * 32156c9 - (7 days ago) Init - LouisSung


- Texmaker

Build steps

Quick Build > BibTeX > Quick Build > Quick Build
(Do not use LaTeX, use Quick Build or PDFLaTeX instead)

Use 'build' folder

Options > Configure Texmaker > Commands

  1. Select the 'Use a "build" subdirectory for output files' checkbox
  2. Add [ build/ ] to Bib(la)tex field, i.e., bibtex build/%.aux

Enable spell checking

Options > Configure Texmaker > Editor

  1. Fill in /usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic to 'Spelling dictionary' field

- JabRef

Add new entry to BibTeX database

Both of following ways work:

  1. Ctrl + N
  2. Click the New BibTeX entry icon
  3. BibTeX > New entry

Tutorials for LaTeX

Two of following tutorials are written in Chinese, which helpful for those who are new to LaTeX

NTHU: Introduce common things in LaTeX. You should at least read this
NCTU: Explain in very very detail... There are 150+ pages. Read it as needed
Pai: Briefly mention some tips, especially for Algorithm and Pseudocode