
AI-Powered Aerospace LLM-based Documentation Explorer

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


IMPORTANT: To run app locally, create .streamlit/secrets.toml, and place your ClarifaiToken, pinecone_apikey, pinecone_env there

QnA about NASA Tech

Check out RAG_Data-Collection.ipynb notebook for data collection process

  • Retrieve all PDF Links from NASA Tech Bulletins.
  • Generate Documents by downloading PDFs and split content into chunks with time interval between requests.
  • Use open-source hugging-face embedding model sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 to embed documents.
  • Initialize Pinecone Online Vector DB and upload embeddings with source metadata.
  • Deploy in RetrievalQA chain with GPT-4 LLM accessed from Clarifai API.

Analyze NASA Document

  • Load uploaded PDF file
  • Split document into chunks
  • Generate embeddings
  • Store in ChromaDB
  • Wrap in RetrievalQA chain with prompt engineering