
Companion Supercollider Code for Mortimers Face iPad App

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Companion Supercollider Code for Mortimers Face iPad App

A Fun robot face for your iPad!

Mortimer's face can be triggered using OSC commands into many fun expressions!

Get your kids to learn about basic OSC programming using this fun tool!

First download the Mortimers Face iPad App

Now you need to get this running in SuperCollider!

In the folder there is a folder called MortimerClassLibrary, this needs to go into Supercolliders class library

To do this, right click on the SuperCollider application, then go contents>Resources>SCClassLibrary and drop the folder in there

You’ll then need to recompile supercolliders class library if its already open (open and closing it will do the same thing)

Then there is a sketch called Mortimer.scd, this should allow you to test the face!

a = NDrumFace.new(true,nil) a.fnTension; a.fnFrownBrows; a.fnFrown; a.fnExclamation(0.4); a.fnSmile; a.fnElevated; a.fnInquisitive a.fnOpenMouth a.fnCloseMouth a.fnStopBlinking a.fnStartBlinking

You’ll need to put the iPad on the same network as the computer and put its IP address into the sketch.