
Movie nomination website - Shopify Frontend Challenge 2021

Primary LanguageTypeScript

The Shoppies

The Shoppies is a website that allows users to search for movies and add up to five movies to a list of nominees. It is my submission for the 2021 Shopify Frontend Challenge. The website is deployed on Netlify and can be reached from here.

The features include:

  • Searching for movies
  • Adding movies to the list of nominees
  • Removing movies from the nominees list
  • Notification upon reaching 5 nominees


To look up movies, the user may use the search bar to enter a keyword by which to find the desired movie. On pressing enter, a list of movie cards will appear below the search bar with the movie title, year of release, poster, rating and description. There is also a "+" or "-" button the user may use to add or remove a movie from their list of nominees. At the top-right of the screen is located a button labeled "Nominees" that the user can press on to consult their nominees. A sidebar will then appear with said list of nominees. The user may click on a nominee's title to remove it from the list.

Screen capture


The application is made in React. It uses the burger-menu library for the sidebar and the toastify library for the notification. The OMDB API is used to query movie results from IMDB.