Barney is a demo application for the Coveo Front End Challenge. It is an Angular 2 web app that interacts with the Coveo REST API. It can also be deployed on SalesForce.
See the hosted demo running on SalesForce.
- Search term
- Hits per page
- Pagination at the web app level
- Uses the raw data to display rich ui
- Title hightlightning based on search term
- Search suggestions are plugged (althoug the SAQ source does not provide any)
The standard Angular 2 code structure was followed. A search service, api, component and template were developed specifically for the Coveo REST API.
SalesForCoveoSearchService interacts with the Cove REST API. It can perform search and suggest queries. An api subfolder contains typescript classes mapped to the corresponding REST API query parameters and responses.
SearchComponent is injected with the search service, angular routing and logger. It listens for browser navigation events to update itself without reloading the page. It displays a search input with suggestions support. A select controls the hits per page.
It displays a list of results with pagination support. When changing pages, a loader is displayed and user interactions with the pagers are blocked.
The result cards display a result title, thumbail, coutry, region, price and rating.
Barney was developed using
- Coveo REST API
- Node.js
- Visual Studio Code
- VSForce extension for VSCode.
- Angular 2
- gulp
- Semantic UI
The build process requires gulp at the global level, and gulp installation requires Python 2.7.x and it's path set in PYTHON environment variable.
To install the package
- npm install
To build watch and run in local mode
- Set your Coveo API Key in the service.ts file.
- gulp