Solar panel position control

Orient a solar panel optimally in relation to the position of the sun


We seek to orient the solar panel in relation to the sun in order to optimize its performance. Throughout the day, the position of the panel is compared with a setpoint table, and if there is a difference, the motor(s) are operated so that the panel comes to the desired position.

  • A motor on each axis with start and end limit switches directly on the motor (not managed in the program)
  • An encoder on each axis to measure the relative position in degrees compared to the initial position
  • The measurements are compared to a table of variable setpoints according to the month and the hour
  • In elevation, if the measurement is different from the setpoint, the motor is activated in one direction or the other
  • In azimuth, if the measurement is less than the setpoint, the motor is activated clockwise
  • Initialization of the position daily at a fixed time
  • Monitoring of the wind with a pulse anemometer and placing the solar panel in a secure position for one hour if the speed exceeds a threshold for a determined period


  • The system is managed by an Arduino.
  • The motors are operated via relays.
  • The position is read with incremental sensors installed on the panel rotation axes.
  • Date and time management is entrusted to a DS3231 module.
  • An LCD screen displays the date and time, the setpoint, the position, and the status of the motors.
  • A serial link allows some interaction with the system.




Published under MIT license