Framework for SCP:SL servers with unique functions & api
- Move
into theSCPSL_Data/Managed
- Move the rest of the files/folders to
on Windows)
You can configure configs in ~/.config
on Windows)/Qurre/Configs/^server.port^-cfg.yml
#Are Debug logs enabled?
Qurre_Debug: false
#Are errors saved to the log file?
Qurre_Logging: true
#Are all console output being saved to a log file?
Qurre_All_Logging: false
#Should I show the Qurre version on Units for all roles?
Qurre_AllUnit: false
#Should I show the Qurre version on Units only for the Tutorial role?
Qurre_OnlyTutorialUnit: false
#Allow the appearance of blood?
Qurre_Spawn_Blood: true
#Can other SCPs look at SCP-173?
Qurre_ScpTrigger173: false
#SCP 079 & SCP 096 will not see the wearer of SCP 268
Qurre_Better268: false
#If enabled, will spawn those who entered after the start of the round
Qurre_LateJoinSpawn: true
#Those who can use the "reload" command
Qurre_ReloadAccess: owner, 746538986@steam,309800126721@discord
Qurre_Banned: banned
Qurre_Kicked: kicked
Qurre_BanOrKick_msg: You have been %bok%.
Qurre_Reason: Reason
#Link-access to your database(MongoDB)
Qurre_DataBase: undefined
0Harmony - Owned by Andreas Pardeike
MongoDB.* - Owned by MongoDB
DnsClient - Owned by Michael Conrad
YamlDotNet - Owned by Antoine Aubry
Newtonsoft.Json - Owned by James Newton-King
Assembly-CSharp - Owned by Northwood Studios