
Tobeto Platform Backend Project

Primary LanguageC#


Tobeto is an educational platform crafted to grant users access to an extensive array of courses, class assignments, exams, and live lessons. Designed to cater to both students aiming to refine their skills and educators seeking to facilitate learning, Tobeto offers a versatile and user-friendly environment. Developed using .NET Core and adhering to the N-Tier architecture, it provides services via RESTful APIs, ensuring security through JWT Security Token. Utilizing Entity Framework Core for database operations and integrating a caching mechanism enhances performance.

The platform's core features include a comprehensive course catalog covering various subjects and topics, the ability to enroll in classes and receive assignments to streamline the learning journey.

Getting started with Tobeto involves simple steps: sign up to access all features, browse through the course catalog to find topics of interest, enroll in classes to gain access to course materials and assignments, and actively participate in learning by completing assignments, taking exams, and attending live lessons.

The technologies used in Tobeto:

  • React: Used for building the user interface.
  • Redux Toolkit and Redux Thunk: Employed for managing application state and asynchronous actions.
  • Axios: Utilized for handling HTTP requests.
  • Formik, Semantic UI, Bootstrap, and Ant Design: Various libraries used for UI components and styling.
  • FullCalendar: Integrated for calendar management functionality.
  • React Heat Map: Integrated for data visualization purposes.
  • TypeScript: Used for adding static typing to JavaScript, enhancing code readability, and improving maintainability.