
Compiler For A Subset Of C To Compile Down To Jasmin Code

Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Toy C Compiler

A compiler made to compile a subset of C into jasmin code

This compiler is comprised of three main parts:

  • lexer
  • parser
  • AST generator
  • code generator

Build Instructions

Lexer Spec

The lexer tokenizes the following:

  • Keywords
    • int, char, return, if, else, for, do, while, switch, case, default , write, read , continue, break , newline
  • comments
    • /**/ and //
  • IDs
    • defined as the following
      • letter -> [a-zA-Z]
      • digit -> [0-9]
      • ID -> letter(letter|digit)
  • numbers
    • defined as the following
      • digits -> digit digit*
      • optional_fraction -> (.digits) | epsilon
      • optional_exponent -> (E (+ | - | epsilon) digits) | epsilon
      • NUMBER -> digits optional_fraction optional_exponent
  • character literals
    • defined as the following
      • a char delimited by ' with no newlines
  • string literals
    • a set of characters delimited by " without newlines
  • Relational operators
    • ==, !=, <, <=, >=, >
  • Addops
    • +, -, ||
  • Mulops
    • *, /, %, &&
  • Assign Operator: =

Parser Spec

Toy C Compiler Parses the following specification:

  • ToyCProgram -> { Definition } EOF

  • Definition -> Type identifier (FunctionDefinition | ; )

  • Type -> int | char

  • FunctionDefinition -> FunctionDefinition FunctionBody

  • FunctionHeader → ( [ FormalParamList ] )

  • FunctionBody → CompoundStatement

  • FormalParamList → Type identifier { , Type identifier }

  • Statement → ExpressionStatement
    | BreakStatement
    | CompoundStatement
    | IfStatement
    | NullStatement
    | ReturnStatement
    | WhileStatement
    | ReadStatement
    | WriteStatement
    | NewLineStatement\

  • ExpressionStatement → Expression ;

  • BreakStatement → break ;

  • CompoundStatement → { { Type identifier ; } { Statement } }

  • IfStatement → if ( Expression ) Statement [ else Statement ]

  • NullStatement → ;

  • ReturnStatement → return [ Expression ] ;

  • WhileStatement → while ( Expression ) Statement

  • ReadStatement → read ( identifier { , identifier } ) ;

  • WriteStatement → write ( ActualParameters ) ;

  • NewLineStatement → newline ;

  • Expression → RelopExpression { assignop RelopExpression }

  • RelopExpression → SimpleExpression { relop SimpleExpression }

  • SimpleExpression → Term { addop Term }

  • Term → Primary { mulop Primary }

  • Primary → identifier [ FunctionCall ]
    | number
    | stringConstant
    | charConstant
    | ( Expression )
    | ( − | not ) Primary\

  • FunctionCall → ( [ ActualParameters ] )

  • ActualParameters → Expression { , Expression }

  • Additional rule:

    • a main function is required for the program to be valid

AST Generator Spec

The AST generator generates and AST based on the following grammar:

  • Program ≜ prog(Definition∗)
  • Definition ≜ funcDef(Id, Type, varDef(Id+, Type)∗, Statement) | varDef(Id+, Type)
  • Statement ≜ exprState(Expression)
    | breakState()
    | blockState(varDef(Id+, Type)∗, Statement∗)
    | ifState(Expression, Statement, Statement?)
    | nullState()
    | returnState(Expression?)
    | whileState(Expression, Statement)
    | readState(Id+)
    | writeState(Expression+)
    | newLineState()\
  • Expression ≜ Number | Identifier | CharLiteral | StringLiteral | funcCall(Identifier, Expression∗)
    | expr(Operator, Expression, Expression)
    | minus(Expression)
    | not(Expression)\
  • Operator ≜ + | − | ∗ | / | % | || | && | <= | < | = | > | >= | ! =

Semantic Analysis and Symbol Table Generation Spec

The semantic analyzer analyses the code given the following restrictions:

  • all programs must have a main function
  • all IDs must be declared before they are used
  • subroutine parameters and/or return types must agree in number and type
  • all expressions must be type compatible
  • division by zero is undefined

Code Generator Spec

The code generator generates the code given the following restrictions:

  • restricted to only integers
  • code generation for characters and strings are restricted to write statements
  • break statements are ignored
  • function calls and definitions aside from the main function are ignored
  • nested blocks are not implemented