
Language barrier is one of the challenges caregivers and patients face in the healthcare setting. My experience working as a caregiver and my desire to improve my knowledge in spanish inspired the creation of this app.

Link to project:


Screenshot & GIF:

Logo Gif

How It is Made:

Tech Stack Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Having worked on the frontline with adult population, lanuage barrrier has been one of the challenges caregivers and patients face and a barrier to client-centred care. I enjoy learning new languages and currently learning Spanish hence the inspiration for this app. Using a similar idea from the language app Duolingo, a collection of common phrases in the hospital are translated from english to spanish on click using an eventlistener in JavaScript. The translation in spanish are hidden until clicked. I hope to use a google translate API to improve this project so that more phrases with corresponding translations can be added.

Lessons Learned

Instead of hard coding all the various phrases used by in care settings, APIs for translation can be used to make this site more functional and inclusive of more folks.