TYPEFORM.com create typeform - start from scratch publish - copy - inline get the code - data-tf-widget="DZ4cpBuy" - DZ4cpBuy npm i @typeform/embed-react import { Widget } from "@typeform/embed-react"; done

ZAPIER -connect this app (typeform), with this app (gmail) try it 1 step (app, acount, triger).... do required steps publish done

NETLIFY CMS public - admin : index.html, config.yml //index.html <!doctype html>

<title>Content Manager</title> <script src="https://unpkg.com/netlify-cms@^2.0.0/dist/netlify-cms.js"></script> //config.yml backend: name: github repo: LovroHodak/TypeformZapierNetlifyCMS branch: main #change the name of repo to yours

media_folder: "public/images" public_folder: "images" publish_mode: editorial_workflow


  • name: "blog" # Used in routes, e.g., /admin/collections/blog label: "Blog" # Used in the UI files:
    • file: src/content/testing1.json name: testing1 label: 'Testing1' fields:
      • label: "Testing1" name: testing1 widget: list fields:
        • label: "Layout" name: label widget: hidden default: blog
        • label: "Title" name: title widget: string
        • label: "Publish Date" name: date widget: datetime
        • label: "Featured Image" name: thumbnail widget: image
        • label: "Rating (scale of 1-5)" name: rating widget: number
        • label: "Body" name: body widget: markdown

// after you make changes in /admin/ you have to do -git pull - to update local project