
DOS exe overlay "unpacker"

Primary LanguageC


(c) fenugrec 2017 Licensed under GPLv3

overlazy is a crude tool to analyze, split and flatten overlayed DOS exe programs.

Designed for binaries compiled with MS C compiler 5.1; Others of similar vintage might work too. Probably MSC from 4.x to 7.x, and Visual C 1.x ?

Note : this is relatively unsafe code : limited bounds checking, naive string processing, etc. Run at your own risk ! Should be harmless on well-formed , legitimate .exe files.


  • works for at least some valid .exe files
  • mapping the overlays above the top-of-stack could be a problem.


I include a codeblocks project file but really not a requirement. Just gcc main.c should do the trick.

what it does

(WIP) An overlayed .exe is structured like this :

   main .exe                                             each OVL_xxx :
                           file offset
+-----------------------+  0                           +-----------------------+
| MZ header             |                              |  MZ header            |
| "overlay number"=0    |                              |  "overlay number" field
+-----------------------+  0x1E                        |      >= 0             |
| relocation table      |                              +-----------------------+
|                       |                              |  relocs               |
+-----------------------+  (hdr_parags * 0x10)         |                       |
| image                 |                              +-----------------------+
|                       |                              |  image                |
|                       |                              |                       |
|                       |                              +-----------------------+
++----------------------+  (img_pages * 0x200)
 |  OVL_001             |
 |                      |
 |  OVL_002             |
 |                      |
 |  OVL_...             |
 |                      |

Now, at run-time the memory map looks like this :

       layout in memory
       (when running)

+---------------------------+ IMG_BASE
|                           |
|    main code (overlay 000)|
|                           |
|                           |
+---------------------------+ OVL_BASE
  | overlays loaded here    |
  | (initially all 0x00)    |
  |                         |
  |                         |
+---------------------------+ OVL_BASE + max_ovl_size
|                           |
|   rest of main code       |
|   (ovl 000)               |
|                           |
|   also data segment etc.  |
|                           |
|                           |
+---------------------------+ SS:0000
|                           |
|       stack               |
|                           |
+---------------------------+ initial SS:SP (top of stack)

Naturally only one overlay can be loaded at OVL_BASE at a time. This makes static analysis (radare2, IDA, etc) troublesome. The "unfold" mode of this tool cooks a new .exe with all the overlays appended after the stack, while also

  • combining and adjusting all the relocations into one reloc table
  • replacing all "int 3F" calls by a "call far xyz" opcode

Resulting .exe layout :

   new "flattened" .exe
                                    file offset
+---------------------------------+ 0
| MZ header                       |
+---------------------------------+ 0x1C
| relocation table:               |
|    - original OVL_000 relocs    |
|    - adjusted OVL_XXX relocs    |
|    - new relocs for call fixups |
|                                 |
|                                 |
+---------------------------------+ (hdr_parags * 0x10)
|  main/root image (OVL_000)      |
|  blank area (0x00 filled)       |
|  (original stack area / BSS )   |
|                                 |
+---------------------------------+ (hdr_parags * 0x10) + (original SS:SP)
|  concatenated images of         |
|   OVL_001...OVL_XXX             |


Different outputs for a test ~ 700kB .exe containing 31 overlays. In "dump mode", creates one file per overlay, plus a text summary of each overlay header.

List overlays :

> overlazy test.exe l
OVL #	start(file ofs)	siz	numpages (512B)	# relocs	Offset to load image (parags)	Minimum alloc (parags)	Maximum alloc (parags)	Initial SS:SP	Initial CS:IP	
0000	00000000	00071400	038A	247E	0940	0AFE	FFFF	67EE:AFC8	2CBD:2905
0001	00071400	00002000	0010	00DC	0040	0000	FFFF	67EE:AFC8	2CBD:2905
0002	00073400	00001200	0009	0058	0020	0000	FFFF	67EE:AFC8	2CBD:2905

finding all "int 0x3F" calls :

> overlazy test.exe c
file_ofs	ovl_idx	offs
942A	11	0000
9432	14	0004
943A	15	0000
9442	17	0008
944A	16	000E

Flattening an .exe for static analysis (the .exe created will NOT be executable !)

> overlazy test.exe u 6F2F4 6F37E 45 38CC

seglut @ 6F2F4, ovllut @ 6F37E, entries=45 ovlbase 38CC:0000
mapping OVL_1 @ 72EB0 within image
mapping OVL_2 @ 74A90 within image
mapping OVL_3 @ 75910 within image
mapping OVL_4 @ 76D40 within image
mapping OVL_5 @ 778F0 within image