
Source files for WattMote - a wireless KillAWatt mod similar to the TweetAWatt

Primary LanguagePython


Source files for WattMote - a wireless KillAWatt mod similar to the TweetAWatt See LowPowerLab for more details, schematic, assembly programming.

Moteinos are used to receive data from remote WattMotes. These WattMotes run the WattMote.ino sketch.
On the receiving end there is a Moteino that simply passes the incomming data through to the serial port. This data is then parsed by the WattMote.py script provided in this repository.

The receiver Moteino should be running a simple Moteino serial-passthrough sketch. This will pass any incoming data to the Python script that will parse it and submit it to EmonCMS for storage.
See this post for details on how to setup your RaspberryPi to receive serial data from the receiving Moteino.

####Command line options for WattMote.py:

 -d               Set DEBUG=True
 -g               Set GRAPH=True (requires these python libs: wx, numpy, matplotlib, pylab)
 -s SPort         Read from serial port SPort (Default:  /dev/ttyAMA0 )
 -b Baud          Set serial port bit rate to Baud (Default:  115200 )
 -emonhost HOST   Set EMONHost to HOST (Default:  localhost )
 -emonkey  KEY    Set EMONAPIKey to KEY
 -emonport PORT   Set EMONHostPort to PORT (Default:  80 )
 -h               Print this message