
CASino is a Ruby-based Single Sign-On solution supporting the CAS standard

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

CASino Build Status Coverage Status

CASino Rails Engine (used in CASinoApp).

It currently supports CAS 1.0 and CAS 2.0 as well as CAS 3.1 Single Sign Out.


Please check our documentation for setup and configuration instructions. API docs are available here.

Test Suite

To run the test suite:

bundle exec rspec spec


CASino is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for further details.


This application uses a CICD process, the project Jenkins folder can be found in the following link: https://jenkins.loyaltydevops.co.nz/job/SharedTools/job/casino/

Jenkins Job List

Job URL Status
ReleasePipeline Kubernetes/casino/ReleasePipeline Build Status
PRCheck SharedTools/casino/PRCheck Build Status

CICD Usage

  1. Create a new branch ideally containing the Jira ticket for better traceability (e.g. DEVOPS-333-my-branch).
  2. Make your code changes then push your branch to Github.
    • Use the Jira id in your commit message
  3. Open a Pull Request to master/main branch, prefixing the title the Jira ticket (e.g. [DEVOPS-333] My pull request).
  4. Wait for the PR automated checks to finish in Jenkins.
  5. Ask for review in Github.
  6. Merge your code to master/main once approved and PRCheck passed.
  7. Follow the ReleasePipeline Jenkins Build and Push job.
  8. Monitor your Release and Application for unexpected behavior.

Getting help

Join the #cicd Slack channel for questions about the CICD process.