
Configuration files for i3


Configuration files for i3



  • pulseaudio - Audio
  • xscreensaver - Screensaver
  • xcompmgr - Composition manager (disabled)
  • compton - Composition manager
  • udiskie - Auto mounting
  • nitrogen - Wallpaper

General usage

  • rofi - launcher
  • scrot - Screenshots
  • dunst - Notifications
  • pamixer - Volume handler
  • terminator - Terminal emulator


  • Super+(WASD or arrow keys) => Move focus

  • Super+Shift+(WASD or arrow keys) => Move window

  • Super+0-9 => Go to workspace

  • Super+Shift+0-9 => Move window to workspace

  • Super+R => Resize mode (use WASD or arrow keys to resize, escape to exit mode)

  • Super+Space => rofi launched

  • Super+Alt+(1-4) => Take screenshot using scrot

  • Super+(h|v) => Split horizontal/vertical

  • Super+c => Toggle split

  • Super+Alt+Space => Floating mode toggle

  • Super+(z|x|c) => Layout (stacking|tabbed)

  • Control+Super+r => Reload configuration

  • Control+Super+Shift+r => Restart i3


Can be modified in the config/gaps files, will send the variables to rofi, dunst and blocks/status so they follow the theme as well, which is real nice.

Naming of workspaces can also be changed easily by editing their variables.


Bottom of gaps/config file contains window specific rules. Steam, skype, spotify, terminals are sitting on their own workspaces by default but can easily be removed/added to.