
This is a parser of JSON files to Excel table

Primary LanguagePython



Parses timetable of classes (input .xlsx file) to .xlsx file.

Optional arguments:

-i, --input - input .xlsx file
-o, --output - output .xlsx file
-k, --kvant - move "special" lessons to the field under the date
-d, --date - write information about days between current dates
-l, --logs - logfile (default - logs.txt)


WARNING: When installed on windows requires python3 as 'python' in '%PATH" variable

  • git clone https://github.com/Nikshepel/timetable-classes.git
  • cd timetable-classes
  • Depending on the system: ./build_for_linux or powershell .\build_for_win.ps1
    Сreated executable file will be located in TimetableExcelParser/dist/
  • TimetableExcelParser [-i, --input <input_xlsx> [-o, --output <output_xlsx>] [-d, --dates "dd.mm:dd.mm"] [-k, --kvant] [-l, --logs <logfile>]


This command converts timatable.xlsx to output.xlsx. Logfile logs.txt with information about skipped cells will be created in current folder:

TimetableExcelParser -i timatable.xlsx -o output.xlsx

This command converts timatable.xlsx to output.xlsx with lessons from specified time period, where 'special lessons' will be in the cell below the date:

TimetableExcelParser -i timatable.xlsx -o output.xlsx -k -d '10.01:15.9'

Option -d can be specified as:

-d '01.01:10.12'
-d '1.01:10.12'
-d ' 1.1 : 10.12 '
-d ' 1 января : 10 декабря '
-d ' 01 января : 09 декабря '