Online .md Picture -readme

This python script will help you upload images that have not been uploaded.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Before run the script, please backup your .md files in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How To Use

Run the .py file with Python3.10 which has installed Requests package(How To Install) and PicGo.It will find your local images and upload them to your default Img with PicGo server. Then change the image url to the online url. You just need launch the PicGo , set the Img, change the global variable which named DIR_PATH to your .md file absolut path in the script such as "C:\\users\\Administrator\\documents\\". Then just waiting for it completing the work!





此脚本基于PicGo和python Requests库,使用前请提前预装(如何装requests库)。运行此脚本将自动抓取md文件内的本地图片,通过PicGo App开放的本地上传端口上传至默认图床并修改图片链接为在线链接。脚本内地全局变量 DIR_PATH 标识了md文件的绝对路径,请修改其为你的md文件全局路径如"C:\\users\\Administrator\\documents\\"。接下来只需要等待其完成工作。