Enhance your HackForums experience - rewritten from the ground up with the community in mind
- Build and tag the container:
docker build -t hfx:develop
- Interacting with the container
docker run hfx:0001 gulp libs
[22:26:04] Using gulpfile /app/gulpfile.js
[22:26:04] Starting 'libs'...
[22:26:04] Finished 'libs' after 17 ms
Is the working directory
docker run hfx:develop ls -lsa
- Install Node.js >=v11.0
- Install Yarn >=v1.13.0
- Clone this project and navigate to the project directory
- Install dependencies:
- Install gulp globally:
yarn global add gulp
- Build the project:
gulp build
- Copy library assets:
gulp libs
- Watch code for changes:
gulp watch
- ESLint: Linter to catch warnings and format code
- Gulp: Task runner to build project and watch for changes
- Hot-Reload: Automatically reload applicable tabs on code change
- Husky: Commit hook to lint code changes and run unit tests
- Mustache: Add new modules via templating system
- Jest: Framework for unit testing
- Sinon-Chrome: Mock chrome extensions API (unit testing)
- Create feature using template:
yarn template
- Choose a template type:
- Provide feature meta data:
- Name: The name of the feature (label in settings)
- Section: The section this feature will be grouped into
- Description: Additional feature information found in settings
- Default Settings: Enabled by default (yes,no)
- Code your feature in the run function:
- Test by side loading HFX and load a page that matches the feature's section path
- Create section using template:
yarn template
- Choose a template type:
- Provide section meta data:
- Name: The name of the section (referenced by features)
- Paths: An array of URL paths that features of this section will trigger on (ex. /index.php, /game.php)
- Add a new feature (above) and select the newly created section
Some features need more options beyond the default enabled/disabled and that is possible using configurables in the feature's constructor. The snippet below adds each of the available configurables: checkbox, textbox, and color. Each configurable requires a unique id, a label for settings, and a default value appropriate to the configurable type.
// Import Configurables
const ConfigurableArray = require("../../core/ConfigurableArray");
const Checkbox = require("../../configurables/Checkbox");
const Text = require("../../configurables/Text");
const Color = require("../../configurables/Color");
const Stepper = require("../../configurables/Stepper");
const Dropdown = require("../../configurables/Dropdown");
const Option = require("../../models/option.js");
// Util helper to get configurable values
const Util = require("../../core/Util");
class MyFeature extends Feature {
constructor() {
section: MySection,
name: "My Feature",
default: true,
description: "Does something cool",
configurables: new ConfigurableArray(
new Checkbox({ id: "myCheckbox", label: "Enable sub-option", default: true }),
new Text({ id: "myTextbox", label: "Sub-option value", default: "Secret Setting" }),
new Color({id: "myColor", label: "Sub-option color", default: "#ffffff"}),
new Stepper({id: "myStepper", label: "Sub-option stepper", step: 2, default: 3}),
new Dropdown({id: "myDropdown", label: "Sub-option dropdown", default: 0, dropdownOptions: [
new Option(0, "Option 0"),
new Option(1, "Option 1")
Util.getConfigurableValue("myCheckbox", this, settings) // returns true
Util.getConfigurableValue("myTextbox", this, settings) // returns "Secret Setting"
Util.getConfigurableValue("myColor", this, settings) // returns "#ffffff"
Util.getConfigurableValue("myStepper", this, settings) // returns "3"
Util.getConfigurableValue("myDropdown", this, settings) // returns "0"
Accessing the configurable options is as easy as passing the settings as a parameter and using the Util.getConfigurableValue() to access values.