
:open_file_folder: :fork_and_knife: The listener monitors a directory and notifies the manager (his parent) about any changes through a pipe. The manager forks workers to process those files and communicate through FIFOs.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This is the first project in System-Programming. Through this project we learned about pipes, named pipes, signal handling, low-level I/O and process intercommunication.

Installation / Build / Run

🔨 Download the files locally and run:

 $ make
 $ ./sniffer -p path

The path is the relative path of the directory you want to monitor about any file changes.

Programm Functionality

🔩 The programm uses inotifywait() to monitor a given folder about new created files or moved_into files. When the programm gets notified about a new file the manager sends signal to a forked worker to process that file. The worker searches the file about any links that start with http://. After the process he makes a .out file with all the links he found and each link accompanied with the number it appears in the file. The manager communicates with each worker about the through a named pipe (aka FIFO). Each worker after he is done with his job he sends a STOP signal to himself so he can run again later and does not exit. The worker pool is also a FIFO queue implemented by me. The programm terminates with CTRL+C (SIGINT).

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