
sprintzero-j-1 created by GitHub Classroom

Final Project: First Group Sprint

Task 1 : Design your group app wireframes using Figma

Website Figma -- https://www.figma.com/

  1. Read the Assessment Criteria Here.
  2. For your Exercise Tracker App, design your wireframes using Figma.
  • First: When the user clicks the CREATE A NEW CARD button, it creates a new Exercise Activity Card that the user can input the activity details.
  • Second: The user can edit the information in the Exercise Activity Card.
  • Third: The user can read the information on that card (that is displayed on the app) and can delete that card.
  1. Share your group Figma design link on this repository.


Task 2: Submit your group idea/concept/mood boards.

Upload your concept board as PDF file to this reposity.
filename as template : Group(A-J)_ConceptName.pdf

Task 3: Submit your group Wireframe Group design.

Edit this Readme.md by attach link of your figma design.

Paste you Figma designe here : Group Aphabet J
