
HTTP graceful shutdown, needed to achieve zero-downtime doing restarts

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


HTTP graceful shutdown, needed to achieve zero-downtime doing restarts.

npm i graceful-http

Allows all requests to finish without interruption.
It also end sockets gracefully using the Connection header.

For zero-downtime you must have more processes (PM2 cluster or something else).


const express = require('express')
const graceful = require('graceful-http')

const app = express()

app.get('/', function (req, res) {

const server = app.listen(3000)
const close = graceful(server)

process.once('SIGINT', async function () {
  try {
    await close()
    // + here close database, etc
    // process.exit(0) // pm2 cluster requires to exit the process
  } catch (error) {
    // process.exit(1)

Normal request (less than 60s)

Let's say you have a request that always takes several seconds.
All pending requests are automatically handled for you.

app.get('/long-request', async function (req, res) {
  await sleep(1000) // ie. fetching stock prices
  // + ie. here PM2 sends SIGINT signal
  await sleep(1000) // ie. querying a remote database


Long request (more than 60s)

Use graceful.check(res) to know if the server is closing,
this way you can send the response early. Useful for long-polling.

app.get('/long-polling', async function (req, res) {
  for (let i = 0; i < 75; i++) {
    // checks if server is closing
    if (graceful.check(res)) { // Koa: ctx.res

    await sleep(1000)


This check is necessary because graceful-http has an internal timeout.
After 60s of close() it forcefully close all sockets.
It's needed because there could be clients not respecting the Connection header.

Express: graceful.check(res)
Koa: graceful.check(ctx.res)

Default configuration

const close = graceful(server, {
  endIdle: 15000,
  forceEnd: 60000,
  loopResponses: true

endIdle will end sockets with no pending requests.
Default Node HTTP keep-alive timeout is 5000 ms.
Keep endIdle higher than the keep-alive timeout.

forceEnd will end sockets even with pending requests.
You must set forceEnd higher than the most longer request.

loopResponses it's a tweak where automatically handles pending requests
to more quickly free sockets from the server.
Disable it if you have like fifty thousand of requests concurrently and care about latency.
This one time minimal latency is at the moment of close().

It's only for HTTP, and not HTTPS either HTTP2.

Credits to Dashlane

