
Async listen, connect, and close servers or sockets on ideal ports

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Async listen, connect, and close servers or sockets on ideal ports

npm i like-bind


const bind = require('like-bind')

const server = net.createServer()
const port = await bind.free.tcp(1337)
await bind.listen(server, port)

const socket = new net.Socket()
await bind.connect(socket, server.address().port)
await bind.close(socket)

await bind.close(server, { force: true })
const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4')
const port = await bind.free.udp(1337)

await bind.listen(socket, port)
// ...
await bind.close(socket)


const port = await bind.free.tcp(port[, options])

const port = await bind.free.udp(port[, options])

Creates a temporary server or socket to check if the port is available.

By default, if port is already used then it returns a random one.

Available options

  any: true // Disable to throw when the port is already used

await bind.listen(serverOrSocket[, port, address, cb])

Async listen a server or socket.

await bind.connect(socket[, port, address, cb])

Async connect to a server.

await bind.close(serverOrSocket[, options])

Async close a server or socket.

Available options

  force: false // Only for servers, and you must have used `bind.listen(..)`
