
Declarative 12-factor configuration from Consul, Vault, and environment variables

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Dozen: A library for declarative 12factor config

When writing 12-factor applications, we often need to write lengthy, tedious code for parsing environment variables.

Dozen is a simple, declarative library for mapping environment variables to configuration types.

>>> import dozen
>>> import os
>>> # Given some variables in the environment
>>> os.environ.update({
>>>     'USE_ENVIRONMENT': 'true',
>>>     'SOME_STRING': 'my value',
>>>     'PORT': '2345'
>>> })
>>> # ... and a template for our config
>>> class MyConfig(dozen.Template):
>>>     use_environment: bool
>>>     some_string: str
>>>     port: int
>>> # dozen returns populated instances of our template from env vars
>>> cfg = MyConfig.build()
>>> assert cfg.use_environment is True
>>> assert cfg.some_string == 'my value'
>>> assert cfg.port == 2345

Sometimes we want to treat a value as optional, and give it a default value.

>>> os.environ.clear()
>>> class DefaultConfig(dozen.Template):
>>>     use_environment: bool = True
>>>     some_string: str = "cheese"
>>>     some_optional_string: str = None
>>>     port: int = 73
>>> cfg = DefaultConfig.build(env=dict())
>>> assert cfg.use_environment is True
>>> assert cfg.some_string == 'cheese'
>>> assert cfg.port == 73

For backing services, we often want to set addresses as env vars

>>> import dozen
>>> import os
>>> # Given some variables in the environment
>>> os.environ.update({
>>>     'MYAPP_WEB_HOST': 'app.example.org',
>>>     'MYAPP_WEB_PORT': '8080',
>>> })
>>> # ... and a template for our config
>>> class MyConfig(dozen.Template):
>>>     web: dozen.service()
>>>     api: dozen.service(default_host='api.example.org', default_port=9000)
>>> # dozen returns populated instances of our template from env vars
>>> cfg = MyConfig.build(prefix='myapp')
>>> assert cfg.web.host == 'app.example.org'
>>> assert cfg.web.port == 8080
>>> assert cfg.api.host == 'api.example.org'
>>> assert cfg.api.port == 9000