
Simple module for WTM (Woker Task Manager)

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Template Matching SAT Module

Module Workflow

The Simple Template Matching SAT Module performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieve Task Parameters: Fetch avt_task_id and connection_url from the runtime arguments.

  2. Fetch Function Parameters: Retrieve main image and template image paths for the task from the database using avt_task_id.

  3. Download Images: Download the main image and template image files from the FTP server to the local environment.

  4. Process Images: Perform image processing on the downloaded images using the retrieved function parameters.

  5. Upload Results: Upload the processed image results back to the FTP server.

  6. Update Task Status: Update task_stat and task_output fields in the database for the specified avt_task_id to reflect the module's processing status.

  7. Exit Module: Finish execution with an appropriate exit code (EXIT_FINISHED = 0 for successful completion, or other codes for errors).

Pre-defined Exit Codes

The module uses pre-defined exit codes to indicate different scenarios:

  • EXIT_FINISHED : "Finished",
  • EXIT_GENERAL_ERROR : "Miscellaneous errors, such as divide by zero and other impermissible operations",
  • EXIT_MISUSE_OF_SHELL_BUILT_IN : "Missing keyword or command, or permission problem (and diff return code on a failed binary file comparison).",
  • EXIT_COMMAND_CANNOT_EXCUTE : "Permission problem or command is not an executable",
  • EXIT_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND : "Possible problem with $PATH or a typo",
  • EXIT_INVALID_ARGUMENT_EXIT_CODE : "Exit takes only integer args in the range 0 - 255 (see first footnote)",
  • EXIT_SCRIPT_TERMINATED_BY_CONTROLC : " Control-C is fatal error signal 2, (130 = 128 + 2)",
  • EXIT_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_DATABASE : "Cannot connect to the database",
  • EXIT_INVALID_INPUT_AVT_TASK_ID : "Invalid input task id",
  • EXIT_INVALID_MODULE_PARAMETERS : "Invalid module parameters",
  • EXIT_FTP_DOWNLOAD_ERROR : "FTP download error",
  • EXIT_FTP_UPLOAD_ERROR : "FTP upload error",
  • EXIT_PROCESS_KILLED_BY_WTM : "Process killed by WTM",
  • EXIT_OTHERS_ERROR : "Others error" .

Example Usage of Exit Codes

import sys
from database import Database  # Import Database class from your module
from exit_code import *

# Example usage to handle connection errors
db = Database(connection_url)
if not db.connected:
    print("Cannot connect to the database")
    print("Successfully connected to the database!")

# Example usage to handle invalid task ID
task = db.get_task_by_id(avt_task_id)
if task is None:
    print("Cannot find task by ID")


Create Database config and FTP server config file named config.json (default) file with format:

    "database": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "database": "avtdb",
        "user": "postgres",
        "password": "dbpassword",
        "port": 5443
    "ftp": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 21,
        "user": "username",
        "password": "password"

Run the project:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py


Build the Executable

Deploy the module using pyinstaller to create a standalone executable:

pyinstaler --onefile main.py

Run the Excutable

/path/to/deploy/file --avt_task_id TASK_ID --connection_url CONN_URL --config_file PATH_TO_CONFIG_JSON_FILE

Replace TASK_ID and CONN_URL and PATH_TO_CONFIG_JSON_FILE with actual values specific to your environment.


Ensure to configure the following in config.json file:

  • Database connection details (connection_url).
  • FTP server credentials (server address, port, username, password).


This project is licensed under a private license. Unauthorized copying or distribution of the code, or any part of it, is strictly prohibited.


  • Thai Hoc - Dev
  • SAT project development team