ecg data request
JoaquinXu opened this issue · 2 comments
JoaquinXu commented
Hi, Lu, this is Joaquin. Thanks for you sharing your codes here. What you did is very consistent with my master's topic, I want to run the codes by myself to have a better understanding. The CCDD dataset now needs request right, I already sent the email to the data's administrator, but up to now, there is no reply. Could you please send me the data to my mailbox, my mailbox is Really appreciate your help. Thanks.
LuZhenHuan commented
Sorry guys, I have graduated for a long time, and my data has been stored in the school, so I have no data now, I guess you can only wait for the CCDD to reply
JoaquinXu commented
Ok bro, thanks for your honest reply. I will keep trying to access the data. Wish you a good day.
…------------------ Original ------------------
From: JohnLu <>
Date: Thu,Jul 2,2020 2:54 PM
To: LuZhenHuan/code <>
Cc: xucurry <>, Author <>
Subject: Re: [LuZhenHuan/code] ecg data request (#3)